Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

give you the confidence to go for the kiss and will hopefully create a
memorable and romantic moment for the two of you.

The "Romantic Window" Technique

This technique will take your seduction from platonic to romantic. It
will lower your anxiety and it will spice up your seductions with

I want to teach you today how to create a moment that she can brag
about to her friends – something romantic that shows her how awesome
she is and proves to her how awesome you are.

Step 1. Seeding for the Kiss

Seeding is a technique where a specific topic/venue is brought up but
not acted upon until a later part in conversation. The reason we seed is to
introduce an idea before asking them to act on it, so that later when we
ask them to act on it, they have actually thought about it and want to
move forward with it (or not – then you have to back off).

For example, you can seed a date by bringing up a venue that you'd
be interested in visiting with your potential date. You tell a story about
the place while you're building attraction, but don't invite her. Then you
continue on with your seduction. When you feel like she's attracted and
you're ready to ask her out, you bring that place up again and ask her if
she'd like to accompany you.

You can seed a personality exercise like "The Cube", which is
generally done in isolation, by using the skydiving or the ring finger
routine early in the interaction and motioning that there's another routine
that's much more in-depth and serious, but you'd need a quieter place to
play. Then once you feel like it's appropriate timing to isolate you say,

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