Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Imagine you've met a woman you’re attracted to, and you've
followed the step-by-step seductive method: You start a conversation
with an opinion opener (like the Drunk-I-Love-You Opener), then you
build value with some active disinterest and a few identity stories. She
gives you some indicators that she's interested, so you let her know
you're interested too. Now you need to close. So you decide to go in for a
kiss, but there's a problem. As you lean in for the kiss, she turns her
head... and you feel rejected.

What to do now that you've missed the kiss, and ended up with a
mouthful of cheek?

In this case, it's not about what you should do; rather, it's about what
you shouldn’t do:

 Don't say something cheesy like, "Well, I didn't say you could kiss
me." She just denied you a kiss; don't you think she knows you
wanted to kiss her?

 Don't completely change your attitude. Imagine how that looks to
her. What do you think she assumes about someone who starts acting
mopey or awkward because they didn't get to make-out?

 Don't give up on her. Just take a step back and realize you probably
misread an indicator of interest, or didn't build enough value. It's an
indicator that not enough attraction or comfort was built. Ask

o What steps can you take to build more attraction?

o What can you do to make her more comfortable?

 Do not get angry. A failed seduction is not her fault; it's yours.
Getting angry only will make you look desperate, horny or
frustrated. You’re not entitled to any form or romantic or sexual
reciprocation, no one is.

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