Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
How to Invite a Woman to Your Home

Bringing a woman back to your place in a way that she feels
comfortable and intrigued is very similar to inviting her on a date – you
use the seeding technique described previously. Here's a simple method
for using seeding to make the move back to your place:

  1. Seed your home, just like you’d seed a date. During conversation,
    bring up an activity or an object that you'd need to go home to
    participate in or see. Tell her about it, but don't invite her back. Do
    this early on in the date.

  2. When you're going to leave the final venue say, "I want to show
    you that [activity or object]. Let's swing by and check it out."

  3. Then add a time constraint, "You can only come over for a few
    minutes. I have to be up for work in the morning."

  4. Possible outcomes:

    • If she says, yes. Well done!

    • If she says, no or ignores the suggestion, then you need to
      work on building more value or attraction. Don't beg her to
      come back or complain when she doesn't want to – it will
      make you look impatient and desperate. Try setting up another

    • If she seems like she wants to come back, but really does have
      some obligation in the morning, drop the idea of bringing her
      home that night, and set up another date.

And no matter how the rest of your encounter goes – remember, it
takes time to learn. You're going to make experience what feels like
failures, so don't be too hard on yourself. Just make sure that you keep
practicing. Eventually, you'll learn to read all the signs and get over these
hurdles. Everyone I know who's put in the time and had the tenacity to
push themselves when things go poorly have found success.

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