Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

"Can you hold my drink for a second? Thanks, you're awesome and
conveniently located."

Did she hold your drink for you?
If yes, great, you're doing well.
If no, you need to build more comfort and attraction.

"This place is supposed to have an amazing rooftop. Come upstairs
with me, you can stretch your legs and keep me safe from drunken
cougars on the prowl."

Did she come up to the rooftop?
If yes, great, you're doing very well.
If no, you need to build more comfort.

Now let's take a look at a few techniques that check her comfort
levels in a physical way:

 As you laugh together, you briefly touch her arm and gauge her
response. If she moves away from you, she's not attracted or

 When moving to a new area, you reach out to see if she takes
your hand. She's already going with you, which is great, but if
she doesn't take your hand, she's likely uncomfortable with your
touch. Build more attraction.

 You give her a warm embrace, noting carefully how she hugs
you back. If she doesn’t hug you back, you need to build more
comfort and attraction.

If at any time she seems uncomfortable with one of your advances,
that is a clear sign you need to take a step back. Don't continue to

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