Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

escalate; instead build more attraction and trust, by using routines, active
disinterest, and identity storytelling until you get more indicators she is
interested. As so often is the case, timing is everything.

Buyer's Remorse

Have you ever regretted a purchase? Have you had fear or a sense of
guilt that you made a poor purchasing decision? If so, then you've
experienced what's called buyer's remorse.

Buyer's remorse is not specific to purchases; it's also something that
can happen in dating and intimacy. Specifically if the woman ends up
with a feeling of unmet expectations – that she gave part of herself away
and did not get what she wanted or very little in return.

This almost always happens when she had or has different
expectations than you.

Avoiding Buyer's Remorse

Make sure both of you are on the same page. Also, read the chapter
on Dating with Care and Empathy towards the end of the book.
Understand what it is and how it works, and follow those rules when
you're getting into a relationship or intimate.

Next, if she wants to get intimate with you, make sure to talk with
her about future concerns in a caring way:

"Before we go any further, I just wanted to check in with you that
tomorrow morning, when we wake up together, we both feel really good
with this."

Or you put her in the driver seat by saying:
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