Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

There are countless online dating and social networking sites. And
new apps become popular overnight, then lose out the next day a new e-
dating trend.
This is why it’s important to remember that the principles of
attraction and seduction stay the same even though the techniques might
Think about it this way. Each new app or site requires a modification
of your techniques and routines but your identity stays the same. This is
why I will give you some pointers to help you out when making contact.

 The principle of starting a conversation is to make the person or
group feel comfortable. If you send them a message that makes them
uncomfortable it’s likely to fail.
 When you’re contacting a woman on a dating app or website, you’re
already conveying interest by contacting her. Which means that there
is no way that you "just wanted to say hi". In fact, if you’re on a
dating site, it’s assumed that you’re looking for a date. So, if you
contact a woman, it’s reasonable to expect that she thinks you’re
looking to date her. So what do you say?
 Make an observation about something you find interesting about her
hobbies, her life etc. that is non-sexual.
 Point out a common interest and ask her opinion about a question
that is related to that topic.
 Regarding flirting: When online, and just like in real life, teasing can
come off as hitting on someone if it’s done without context. First get
to know her a bit before you start flirting.

And finally: When you meet up explore why you were interested in
meeting up rather than denying any interest in the first place, as a form of
active disinterest.

Bad Profile Pictures
Women aren't quite the visual creatures that men are. That said, you
need to have good pictures on your profile. You don't have to be the best-

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