Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

looking guy on a website or app to get the best-looking girl to go on a
date with you. In fact, it's not so much what you look like physically in
your photo as much as what kind of guy you look like.

You want to look like a fun-loving, outgoing type of guy she's going
to want to spend time with. Your conversations should also be moving
toward this. But just like your attraction to her starts with a photo, so
does her attraction to you. Be the one that's going to get her interested in
who you are, wanting to know more and wanting to spend time with you.

Not Revealing Enough about Yourself
There are two parallel mistakes you can make when crafting your
online profile. The first is being overly secretive about yourself, or not
elaborating enough about who you are.

Think about it: On the one hand, if you don’t reveal anything about
yourself, you can look sketchy or even fake. However, if you reveal a
little bit, but not very much – or not any of the more interesting parts of
your life, anyway – she’s not going to have any reason to respond. No
matter how awesome the pictures of you look, women are going to want
to know what sets you apart from other guys before they respond to your

Revealing Too Much About Yourself
And then there’s the parallel mistake – the other side of the coin.
Sometimes guys reveal too much about themselves. They overshare. In
particular, they come off as bitter, talk too much about exes or have a
long list of things women must have or must not have.

It’s OK to have standards, but it's good to keep things positive on a
dating website. Remember that you want to put your best foot forward on
dating profiles. Don't muddy the waters with negativity or bitterness.

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