Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Building a profile means presenting the best part of yourself that you
can. Here are a few things you can try:

 Put up no more than three pictures.
 One picture with an animal has been statistically proven to work
well for apps and online dating sites.
 Don’t put up pictures where you’re with exes or other women
you're sleeping with.
 Put up one picture that show you’re participating in something
like travel, a hobby, or a vacation.
 Use proper grammar and punctuation.
 Looks are important for online dating – choose photos where
you're well-groomed or well-dressed if possible.
 If there's a text portion of your profile, write something that will
make it easy and fun for them to contact you.
o "Just looking for a Netflix password."
o "Trying to find someone with a cool dog/cat I can hang out
o "Looking for the missing half of my broken amulet."

Making contact, setting up the date:
You need to write a solid introduction message to grab her attention.
You know that. However, how do you do that? One of the main ways is
to read her profile. Nothing is going to irritate a woman more than
sending her off a message without having read her profile. She put up a
profile with the things she wants you to know about her before you send
off an email. Let her know that you took the time to read her profile and
what about it made you want to contact her.

 You have two goals in this order: establish contact and then
transition to a date in the real world.
 Don't start with something sexual; start with something non-
sexual from their profile or photos.
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