Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
 Recognize that people jump onto and off of dating sites fairly
rapidly, so if someone doesn't get back to you, move on – the
person you contacted is likely not even on the site.
 If you know they're on the site and they don't get back to you,
move on. They're probably not interested, or they simply don't
check the site often.
 Set up dates for locations that are safe and comfortable – nothing
where she feels like she'll be trapped there with you.
 Don't get upset and send negative messages if the girl doesn't
like something you said, or doesn't want to go out with you.
Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Mistake to avoid: Get to know her in person, not online
There's such a thing as spending too much time getting to know
women on a dating website. The point of a dating website isn't getting to
know her through endless e-conversation. After all, they're called "dating
sites" for a reason. What you want to do is get her to go on a date with
you. So rather than spending lots of time chit chatting about what was on
television last night, spend your time trying to move her toward saying
yes to going on a date with you.

Mistake to avoid: Poor Grammar
It might not seem like a big deal, but it is. You should proofread your
profile. Look for simple grammar and spelling mistakes. A lot of women
won't respond to anything you have to say if you say it with poor
grammar. Just spending a few minutes here can make a big difference in
terms of both the number and the quality of women you have responding

  • and contacting you in the first place.

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