Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

with themselves that that’s what they're doing. But you have to level with
yourself if you're going to make any improvement.

What you need to do is start paying more attention to her; paying
more attention to what she's into and what she's not into. When in doubt,
take it down a peg. Start by stripping your texts of vulgar language, or
anything else that is inappropriate.

What Text Messaging is not...

  1. Text messaging is not a way to build attraction. There is no
    magical text you can send her that will make her fall in love (or
    lust) with you. Do not sit there for hours, slaving over just the
    perfect sentence. You are not English metaphysical poet Andrew
    Marvell penning the classic poem "To His Coy Mistress". Your
    text will not live forever in the annals of fine literature. If you
    catch yourself wondering, "What will make her like me?" then
    just stop. You’re texting for the wrong reasons.

  2. Text messaging is also not for building a connection. Don't get
    into sweet chit-chat or just kind of checking in because it reduces
    her desire to see you in person. "What are you doing?" or "How's
    work?" are questions that are like a pressure release valve. She
    can answer them and you lose the momentum, as opposed to
    having that pressure build during the day where she's just dying
    to tell you in person.

  3. Text messaging is not for escalation in a relationship. It is only
    for maintenance.

What Text Messaging Is ...
Text messaging is a way to confirm details of a date that you've
already seeded when you saw the woman in person. It's all about
logistics. For example, you could text, "We're going to that permit-only
hiking path this weekend. Why don't you come along?" Or, if you
already have set up the date, the text can confirm and remind her.

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