Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 26 :

Happily Ever After

Learning attraction and seduction is great and most guys are using it
to find the right girl for a long-term relationship. As any guy who’s in
one of those will tell you, long-term relationships are just a different kind
of game. The two of you are hopefully doing what you can to keep
yourselves living exciting, adventures, productive, romantic lives - day in
and day out.

If you can do that, you've got a partner for life. The main thing to
start a strong long-term relationship is finding ways to keep the flame
burning and the ability to resolve conflicts in a healthy way. And there
are a lot more ways to do that than picking her up flowers on your way
home from the office. Here are five tools we recommend to men who are
worried about keeping the special lady in their life interested.

Take Her Away
One of the simplest ways to create excitement in your relationship is
a weekend getaway. You don't have to fly her across the country or take
her to a five-star spa. In fact, spending the night in a hotel room that's not
your home can inject a bit of "one night stand" excitement into your
long-term relationship. Make the night extra special by getting her some
sexy lingerie and the best bottle of wine you can reasonably afford.

Women want to know that they're desired – that you're still interested
in them. Taking her somewhere outside of the ordinary, where the two of
you can have one serious one-on-one time away from the distractions of
ordinary life is a simple, but powerful, way to communicate this to her.

Talk Openly About Fantasies
Talking openly about sexual fantasies can be difficult for a lot of
people. The good news is that when a relationship progresses, it becomes
a lot easier for you to speak openly and frankly about it.

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