Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Stylelife: As a coach what are three revelations you want to share
with a student who wants to learn the art or attraction and seduction?

The Sneak: The first lesson that I would want them to think about is
the principle, “Be the Exception”. You want to stand out in a positive
way. Everything can be traced back to that. Whenever you think about a
specific technique that you're learning, it should always be able to point
back to that particular principle and it always does. Having done it long
enough, things really do come back to that. So, I want them to consider
what that means to them, to be the exception, and to really put that in
their brain as something that they should always be able to come back to,
and make sure that they're doing the right things.

The second point would be that it's going to be a journey; not
something that happens overnight. They should have consistency in their
practice throughout their journey. They shouldn't think of it as a sprint,
but more of a marathon or a life-long running across the globe at a pace
that you can keep up with. I don't think that they should view it as
something that they're going to go out and practice 50 times and then
never practice again, or something like that. I'd rather they say I'm going
to practice twice a week for 25 weeks and then continue practicing twice
a week for 25 more weeks. That would be a better way to go about it.

The third tip would be to not just intellectually understand the
idea of pushing themselves and trying on new behaviors and ideas and
ways of being that they're not used to, but going beyond an intellectual
understanding of that and actually exploring what that means. You can
talk to a student for a long time about change, and he can nod his head
and smile and completely believe that he's along for the journey. But
then suggest that he tries to wear a different shirt and he might freak out
and say, "No, I won't try that new shirt on." That's where the truth comes
out. If you're a new student coming into this, don't trick yourself and be
nodding your head yes, unless you're actually also doing it and saying,
"Yes, I'm going to go out and try this thing on," whether it be a shirt, or

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