Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

an opener or a disqualifier, whatever it is, actually give it a shot and see
how it feels. If it makes you uncomfortable, you still have to keep
exploring it until you understand what's happening.

Stylelife: What pitfalls do you think a student will run into? Like
common pitfalls.

The Sneak: The most common pitfall that stops guys is usually
laziness, which goes back to having to practice on a consistent basis. You
have to find a way to make it part of your life and something you enjoy
doing consistently. Stubbornness and not willing to try out new things is
another one. The idea that you already know lots of stuff can get in your

The Pseudo Experts, some guys, they already feel like they have all
the answers, because they have studied all the material. But then they are
asking questions anyway. That inhibits their growth. If you're here asking
questions, somewhere deep down, you must know you don't have all the
answers. So don't fall into the trap of suddenly feeling like you already
know it all. Accept the basic idea that it's going to be a journey and
you're going to be making all kinds of discoveries forever.

I'm still learning all the time within this art form. I've been doing it
for a long time, but I can honestly say I'm still growing and I should still
be growing. I think that that's correct. I don't think that that's me like,
"Why is it taking him so long to have learned everything?" There's
always more you can learn. When you start to feel like you know it all,
you're probably in trouble.

Stylelife: What was your study like when you were beginning to
study the art of attraction and seduction? What would you suggest for
new students coming into it for practice?

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