Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Stylelife: Has the art of seduction benefited other areas of your life
besides romantic interests?

The Sneak: I've used it to make great groups of friends and an
extensive social circle. Eventually, I've become a member of a band
through my social connections with people. So it affects my creative life
tremendously. Within the context of being in a band, if there's a joke that
I think is funny that I want the other two guys to think it's funny, I've
used techniques that I've learned socially to get them excited about the
joke that I want to get on stage. Honestly, the education runs through all
my interactions.

I think that it's inseparable from me at this point. On some level, I'm
probably thinking about the way that I'm communicating with someone.
On some level, I'm probably always trying to be a bit more seductive
than the average human being, just because I spent so long thinking
about it. I get to manifest things into the universe that I want to manifest.
So it affects all areas of my life and even probably all interactions of my

Stylelife: Great. Thanks for hanging out.

Stylelife: How long did it take you to set up a date with a woman?

The Sneak: For a couple of months, I just practiced starting
comfortable conversations with people. A few more months went by as I
worked on generating attraction, conveying interest, and closing.

The first real dates started rolling in around the half-year mark. That
was a very big deal for me. Previously, my dating like was pretty much
non-existent. Now, I was having all kinds of crazy adventures.

Stylelife: Can you tell me about one of those crazy adventures?
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