Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 28 :

How I Got My Girlfriend:

A Powerful Success Story

Stylelife: All right. We love to celebrate successes. Stringer has
come a long way in a relatively short period of time, and has had some
major breakthroughs in the past year. Can you tell us a little bit about
who you are and where you came from, and set us up with a little bit of
your back story?

Stringer: I never really had trouble getting into relationships. I
was always in the wrong relationships. What I found myself doing time
and time again, was committing a lot of time to relationships that just
weren't good for me, and ultimately were just a complete waste of time
and could have even damaged my life in a lot of ways. What learning the
art of attraction and seduction at Stylelife allowed me to do, was develop
skill sets. Having the ability to select the type of woman that I wanted to
be with romantically and also who I wanted to be with as far as friends
go. It taught me skills to completely rebuild my social circle. At this
time, I have a very rich life, full of friends and a great girlfriend, who I've
been with for a year. We've recently moved in together, and we're very
much in love.

Stylelife: That's great, fantastic. We love to see our students
experiencing such amazing things such as that. Can you tell me a little
about any specific attraction and seduction techniques or advice that
helped you build that success?

Stringer: I would have to say that as far as techniques go, there
was a technique that Byron taught me called Identity Storytelling. What
this did, was it allowed me to begin to start telling stories about my own
life in a very passionate way. It allowed me to convey my identity
quickly and allowed me to connect with people, on a social, emotional,

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