Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

lives, because they fear the insecurities they’ll have to face on the
journey. Some guys are scared of success: what if this all works out and
they end up with someone who’s out of their league?

To prepare yourself, sit down and reflect on what you’re true
motivations are for reading this book, what you are looking for, and what
exactly you hope to get out of it. The best place to start is by looking at
what you’re missing. Simply think about or write the answers to the
following questions down.

 Why are you learning the art of attraction and seduction?
 Are you looking for love? Sex? Companionship?
 How do you think learning this will help you achieve that goal?
 When you achieve this particular goal, how will things be
 How will people look at you?
 How will you view yourself?
 Are you prepared to put in the time to practice this art?
 Are you prepared to make approaches and face rejection?
 How will you deal with rejection when it comes?
 What will you do to pull yourself back up when the going gets
 What kind of women are you trying to attract into your life?
 What kind of relationships are you looking for?

Start here, and answer any other questions that may come up while
you’re sifting through your own mind. Once you have some answers you
can move on and start learning the system.

Do not skip this exercise, because it is crucial that you understand
who you are and what you want before you start. Keep that kind of focus
as you continue to move forward learning the art of seduction.

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