Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

 When not to compliment someone.

Here is the problem with indicating your interest too early: Wanting
to tell a woman that you’re interested in her feels very straightforward
and honest. How many guys try to pick up women by simply telling them
they have beautiful eyes? Too many.

Why do they do it? Because, it feels good to compliment her.
Unfortunately, if a person receives the same compliment too much, it
fades into the background, becoming a pattern that’s no longer paid
attention to. Most attractive women have heard the same compliments
thousands of times. So if you are the next guy that tells her that she has
beautiful eyes, guess what she thinks? Yeah, another one of those... next.

By understanding the proper timing of a compliment within
seduction, you’ll learn how to break that pattern, and give compliments
that are truly felt and authentic.

The timing is key here. Pay attention to that. When you compliment
someone it’s always a good thing, but if you learn to compliment
someone with proper timing you can really make an impression, and
change the dynamics of an interaction.

Step #4: Seduce

This is the chapter where you'll learn about going for the kiss or
further. Where you learn how to set up the meeting or date. Where you
learn how to move a person or group of people from one location to
another. There’s one technique I’m going to teach you that will help you
accomplish all of these goals and it’s called "seeding". In this chapter
you’ll learn:

 How to properly seed a date or meeting.
 How to "bounce" someone from one location to another.

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