Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Ask as many people as you can these two questions, and try to find
out where the commonalities are. If everyone says you’re a nice guy,
then you’re probably a nice guy. If everyone says you’re selfish, then
you’re selfish. That's pretty simple, but necessary for the next step.

Now that you have this information what can you do with it? Well,
the first thing you can do is ask yourself: Is this how I want to come off
when I get to know people?

If you’re satisfied with the answer, great! If you’re not, then you
have to look deeper, and decide if you want to change these qualities,
and how you’re going to change these qualities. Later on when we get
into being interesting and generating value with your life story we can
start to mold your identity into a more seductive version of itself.

Each of us are going to have different traits that we want to change;
it’s important early on to know what people think of you, so you can
work on developing a more seductive identity over time that is authentic
and powerful.

Introduction to Story and Routine Stacks

I grew up a huge fan of Kung-Fu movies. When I was a kid I used to
watch the characters do their forms and katas on screen and practice in
my living room. I thought martial arts were the clear path to
superpowers. I had no idea what the purpose of those katas or forms
were. I just thought they were awesome looking – I still do. Years later,
when I started studying martial arts, in a school rather than my living
room, I found out what their purpose was.

In most traditional martial arts schools, katas or forms are collections
of choreographed techniques or movements. Each form or kata expresses
a number of principles through the techniques inherent in the form. They
may include footwork, specific punches or kicks, break-falls, a few even

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