Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

as long as you’re not pushy about the material. Now, let me show you the
structure of a routine stack. In order to build one, the first thing you must
know is the phases of interaction. For us, the phases are: Open, Attract,
Connect, Seduce. You should make sure you have routines for all of the

 At least one opener, no more than two.
 Demonstrations of Higher Value, Games, Bar bets, etc.
 Identity Stories
 A technique for showing Active Disinterest.
 A technique for showing Active Interest.
 Seed for a date
 Seed for a bounce

You will learn how to build your very own stack later in this book.
Once you have chosen your stories and routines, they should all be well
memorized and practiced for delivery, body language, tonality, and
volume dynamics.

And remember one of Murphy’s Laws of combat: no plan survives
first contact with the enemy. Meaning, it’s a routine stack is a stratagem,
but it’s not the whole seduction. In the field things will change. Be
prepared maneuver when curveballs are thrown at you.

Conquering Approach Anxiety

Approach anxiety is the negative voice in your head telling you not
to approach – it keeps you from walking towards a woman. The result is
excuse after excuse for not trying.

Why is Approaching Women so Hard?

Let’s start off with the first part: Why do you have such a hard time
approaching women? As with most topics related to seduction, there are

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