Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Now that we know what underpins your anxiety, let’s talk about a
few common problems men encounter when approaching women.

What You’re Doing Wrong When You Approach Women

So what are you doing wrong? That’s what you want to know, right?
What can you be doing better so that you can build the types of positive
experiences that are going to make approaching women that much easier
with every approach?

You’re Too Serious: Coming up to a woman and being very serious
at first is a recipe for disaster. It makes things awkward and tense.
Instead, opt for a lighter approach; one that will have her laughing,
smiling and wondering who you are and what you’re about.

You Can’t Handle a Challenge : A lot of guys blow it the second
their stack goes off course. She throws a curveball your way and you
lose it; That’s not an attractive reaction. Instead of bailing at the first
sign of trouble, learn how to weather the storm.

You’re Too Needy: On the other hand, you might be trying too hard
to impress her, either by being entertaining or by trying to
demonstrate higher value in incorrect ways or with bad timing. This
comes across as needy, and neediness is kryptonite when it comes to

You’re Paying for her Time: It’s fine to buy someone a drink or
dinner, just make sure you’re not purchasing their time. If that person
is sticking around for free stuff, then you’re paying for their time. If
they’re sticking around because they’re enjoying their time with you,
and you want to buy them something for being awesome – go for it.
Also, don’t be a cheapskate, it’s just as bad as paying for someone’s

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