Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Rejection and Transforming Your Critical Seductive Mind

Seduction can be a difficult art to learn, because training requires we
fail in front of the people we’re interested in getting to know. These
rejections can send us spiraling into self-doubt; causing us to quit
practicing. We keep hearing criticisms of ourselves like "you suck" over
and over. As students we know criticism is important, it helps us get
better, but this inner-wingman telling us that we suck – he’s of no use to
anyone. Here’s one way you can train yourself to transform him from a
bad inner-wingman to a helpful one.

When it comes to practice, don’t accept criticism from yourself that
you wouldn’t accept from a good wingman. A good wingman would
never tell you that you suck or that you’ll never be good with women,
and hopefully you wouldn’t tolerate that kind of worthless criticism.
If your wingman told you that you should approach from an angle rather
than walking up directly, you’d more than likely take that advice,
because it’s helpful. What they’re telling you will make you a better
seducer, and that’s the goal.

When it comes to self-criticism, you need to recognize that same
difference. Telling yourself that you suck won’t help you, but giving
yourself specific advice will. My suggestion is to carry a note card, and
every time you tell yourself, "I suck" or "I’ll never get the girl" or "I’m
unattractive" you’re going to take out the note card. On it you’re going to
write down a helpful tip for yourself; one or more things you can do to
improve your seduction. You can be harsh, pointing out your own
seductive flaws, but make sure that you’re writing down ideas you can
test to fix the problem. The idea here is to train yourself to replace
worthless criticisms with helpful ones and quiet down that terrible
wingman in your head.

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