Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 5 :

Top 1 2 Reasons Everyone Should Study

Attraction and Seduction

"The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees
a movie, not necessarily one of my movies, brings a whole set of unique
experiences. Now, through careful manipulation and good storytelling,
you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the
same time, and to be afraid at the same time."

  • Steven Spielberg

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."

  • William Shakespeare

Reason #1
Studying Attraction and Seduction will help you to influence others.

To understand attraction and seduction, you must understand desire.
Desire is the root of seduction’s power. Learning to seduce someone
means leading their imagination to learn about their own desires. This is
what we’re going to study: How to fulfill desires with our words, our
looks, and our reputations.

If you understand seduction, you'll have a better grasp on the world
around you. You'll understand why you make the decisions you make
and have better insight as to why others make the decisions they make.
You'll understand how the world, politicians, and advertisements
influence you. You’ll learn what makes you attracted to the people you're
attracted to. Seduction is a skill with a world of benefits.

Reason #2
Studying attraction and seduction will open up new opportunities.
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