Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
The World is Your Dojo:

Unlike martial arts, there are no physical schools for learning
attraction and seduction. We don't have dojos or playing fields to practice
on. But we still have a classroom of sorts. Every place you choose to
practice, whether it be a nightclub, a coffee shop, a shopping mall, or the
beach is your classroom. Treat it as such, when you practice:

 Don't get drunk.
 Have a study plan.
 Do your homework.
 Treat the place with respect.
 Plan regular hours to practice.

For years I've been hearing the same thing about practice. "Doing all
this new stuff makes me feel weird around my friends." Here's a
suggestion: Don't practice around your friends.

Think of it like this: when you go to a sport practice, you don't bring
all your friends who aren't interested in the sport to practice with you. It
would be weird if they were there, and they probably wouldn't have a
good time. You have to think of this art just like practicing any other;
only practice with other people who are interested in learning this art
form. If no one else is interested, practice on your own.

5 Things A New Student Can Do To Prepare for Their Seduction

I imagine that if you’re reading this you’re ready to put a whole lot
of energy into the art form. That’s great! Here are a few ideas for new
students to help you before you even start:

  1. Set time aside: This is going to be the most important step for any
    newbie. Set time aside on a calendar that you know will be solely used to

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