Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

practice whatever material you’re learning. I suggest, at minimum, one
day a week, for three hours. For guys practicing in bars and clubs, do it
stone cold sober.

  1. Practice material: Find material you like and practice it. This is
    vital in the early stages. You need something solid to work on. Don’t just
    jump into sets with people doing the same old thing you’ve always done.
    I suggest an opinion opener like Cashmere Sweater or Drunk-I-Love-
    You to start. Practice something new, something that takes you out of
    your comfort zone. As our coach Jonny Cruz says, "Get uncomfortable."

  2. If you need a push, buy one: There are two ways you can do this.
    The first is to go out with a friend, hand him a $200 bill, and have him
    return $20 for every approach you make. The second is to take a
    bootcamp. I suggest the Stylelife Bootcamps, because I teach for
    Stylelife and because our bootcamps are awesome. Sometimes, you just
    need a kick in the ass. Stylelife is here to give you that kick in the ass,
    possibly a few.

  3. Read and write more: You’re going to want to improve your
    verbal capacity; reading and writing are the best way to do that. So, pick
    up at least one book a month and read it. Get in a writing habit, because
    you’re going to have to write field reports: detailed descriptions of what
    happens each night you practice. It is truly rare to see a student get good
    at this without writing things down.

  4. Get a wingman and practice with a friend: Many of my
    students like to go out and practice in pairs, as wingmen. It can be fun
    and helpful to have a friend around. Here’s how you can make the most
    of practicing with a friend:

 Pick your practice - Decide what you’re going out to practice. It
should be something specific, like an opener or a routine. Before you

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