Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

talking to you, an opener should contain certain elements to achieve this
goal. First and foremost, you have to answer the questions in their mind
before they even think them.

A fair warning: I don’t think that new students should be creating
their own material. It would be like going into a martial arts class and
just deciding to make up your own moves, but I know that many of you
are going to try so here are some guidelines:

  1. Why is he talking to me? Make sure your opener has a "root." In
    other words, you must have a reason that you’re saying whatever you’re
    saying. It could be that you need help to select a sweater, or to choose a
    name, a dish in a restaurant. It could be that you are looking for an
    opinion, an answer or advice and she looks like she can help. Either way
    there has to be a reason for the approach.

  2. When will he leave? Make sure that your openers have a time
    constraint. That means letting the person know you can’t stay long.
    Maybe you have to catch a plane, get back to your friends, go to a
    meeting, etc. The main point is to let the person know that you are not
    going to latch onto them for an extended period of time.

  3. Make sure the topic is interesting; this can serve as a springboard
    for discussions and should end with a question that can lead to more

  4. Is he hitting on me? Don’t start with a compliment, make it sexual
    or convey that you are interested. First of all, you really don't know her -
    so how can you already be interested in anything more than her looks?
    Secondly, indicating your interest early on can make women
    uncomfortable, and it’s bad seductive timing.

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