Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
routine after routine. You can prevent this by not doing any more
than two during a single environment on the same night.

 Spend some time memorizing how these routines work. The
better you know them, the easier it will be to insert them into
your seduction. Most of these routines are not inherently
romantic, which means you can practice them on friends and
family before you start using them for cold approaches.

 Try not to use all the routines you know early on in a seduction.
Save some of them for the date, or later on in the interaction.

Now let's take a look at a fully fleshed out routine.

The Ring Finger Routine:
Deconstructing Knowledge Based Value Generators

One routine that I've been teaching for years, and have seen work
over and over again, is The-Ring-Finger routine.

Take a look at the routine I've laid out here. Pay attention to the
structure. If you like the routine – try it out, make it yours. If you’re not
interested in it, you can find more routines at the end of the chapter.

Part 1: The Set-up

Start the routine with a story. The story should be a short explanation
that gives context on the routine you're about to present. Start with where
did you learned it and why you're bringing it up. The point of having the
set up – sometimes-called a "root" – is to make things seem less random
by adding context, and to provide them with some information about

Here’s an example of a set-up for the "Ring Finger" routine:
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