Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 12 :

Key 3: The Power of Active Disinterest,

Otherwise Known as Banter or Flirting

"The trick when you're flirting is figuring how to keep a balance
between being engaging enough to retain a woman's attention and not
seeming overly available. So you tease a person a little. " - Neil Strauss

Active disinterest is, by far, the most counterintuitive piece of the
attraction and seduction puzzle. Let's take a look and analyze why active
disinterest is so important and how they’re used.

Every romantic relationship is a story, and every good story has
emotional ups and emotional downs. As I mentioned before, if you went
to see a movie and nothing bad ever happened, it would be a pretty
boring movie – the same would be true for a movie where nothing good
happened. The emotional ride makes the story interesting, memorable
and fun.

These emotional ups and downs happen naturally, whether you
understand the principles of attraction and seduction or not.

A good female friend of mine was on a date with this guy. The guy
was acting smooth – like over the top smooth – and it turned her off,
because she knew he was trying to be aloof to seduce her. It wasn't until
later in the date, when he accidentally spilled his glass of wine on
himself, and fumbled as he tried to recover, that she started thinking she
was into him. It was the ride of emotional ups and downs that won her

As a future master of attraction and seduction, you must learn how
these emotional ups and downs work. Active disinterest, otherwise

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