Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

When should you use active disinterest? When the woman is truly
comfortable with you in conversation. If she is uncomfortable with you
and you try to show disinterest, she'll become even more uninterested.
Conversely, if you build a little bit of social value, and she is invested in
the conversation and you show active disinterest, the effect will be
significant. It’s also important to note that active disinterest should be
contextual. In other words, it should have something to do with what’s
actually happening in the interaction. If you tease her, seemingly, out of
nowhere, it could come off as awkward or as a demonstration of interest.
When using active disinterest make sure there’s context for your

  • You’re so cool. I’m just going to keep saying that until I convince
    myself its true.

  • You're a dork. We should find you a guy with the same uniqueness.

  • You're too nice for me. I’m sure there is a ton of guys dying to meet
    you on Tinder.

  • You’re awesome; you’d be great for my friend.

  • You're cute. You'd make an adorable friend.

  • I’ll tell you when you’re older.

  • Let's take this slow... I don’t want to get hurt.

  • Okay, you girls have taken up enough of my time. I have other
    friends to entertain.

  • I should let you get back to your friends; they’ll think you’re hitting
    on me.

So here's the rule: If you're trying to seduce someone, make sure
they're comfortable with you before attempting to use active disinterest.

Lessons in Action: Active Disinterest

"Oh my god, I love your hair so much, can I please touch it," she
asks. Her hands frantically dance about in the air as she awaits my

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