Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

A badly timed compliment can come off as needy, desperate and
untrue. Many women are used to having guys approach them with
compliments, or compliment them before they’re interested. It doesn’t
stand out, and it suggests you’re attracted to only what you see, because
you haven’t spent the time to get to know them yet – which brings me to
the next pitfall...

Meaningless Compliments
Your compliments need to move her. They need to have an
emotional effect. A compliment with no emotional effect is pointless.
Students of seduction should stay away from compliments based on
physical appearance. This is the most common type of compliment
women will get. You might be saying, “You have beautiful eyes,” and
you might even mean it, the problem is that she’s only hearing, “I want
to get you into bed.” This is because, most guys compliment women on
their looks before knowing anything about them. It makes the
compliments valueless, irritating even. That’s why we’re going to learn
to talk, listen, and compliment in an authentic way that creates real
connection and has emotional weight.

So, how do you do it the right way?

Here's how: Give the compliments some depth.

Don't compliment her on something without reason. Make sure the
compliment itself has some specific meaning to you. This makes the
compliment more than just surface level; it makes it personal and gives it
more of an emotional impact. So, start with a quality you like about
them, and let them know what it is.


  • I like how adventurous you are...

  • I like how well read you are...

  • I like your sense of style...

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