Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

178 Functions, limits, derivatives

buzzes through space E3. While other tactics are both possible and use-
ful, we suppose that we have a rectangular x, y, z coordinate system
bearing unit vectors i, j, k as in Section 2.2. At each time t, the coordi-
nates of the bumblebee can be denoted by x(t), y(t), z(t). Letting r(t)
denote the vector running from the origin to the bumblebee, we obtain
the vector equation

(3.74) r(t) = x(t)i + y(t)j + z(t)k.

This vector r(t) is called the displacement (or displacement vector) of the
bumblebee at time t. Supposing that At 0, we can write

(3.75) r(t + At) = x(t + At)i + y(t + At)j + z(t + At)k

and form the difference quotient

r(t + At) - r(t)_x(t + At) - x(t)i +, y(t + At) - y(t) j

At At At

+z(t + At) - z(t)k

which can be written in the abbreviated form


At At At At

In accordance with general terminology, this difference quotient is called
the average rate of change of the vector r(t) with respect to t over the
interval from the lesser to the greater of t and t + At. It is also called
the average velocity of the bumblebee over this same interval. In case
the above difference quotients have limits as At - 0, the limit of the
average velocity is called the velocity at time t and is denoted by v(t).

(3.76) v(t) = r1(t) = x'(t)i + y'(t)j + z'(t)k


(3.761) v(t) =
dt dt


+ dt J + it -

providedprovided the derivatives exist. Figures 3.762, 3.763, and 3.764 show how
the vectors Ar, Ar/At, and v(t) might appear in a particular example.

Figure 3.762 Figure 3.763 Figure 3.764
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