Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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(^230) Integrals
opinion. Look at Figure 4.392 and note that S seems to fill up about one-third
of the square having opposite vertices at the points (0,0) and (1,1), and hence
that the area ISI of S should be about one-third. Now comes the calculation.
Show that
f 1x2 dz = g. 1
5 Sketch a graph of the equation y x + 1 over the interval 1 5 x 5 3
and use elementary geometrical ideas to find the area of the part of the plane
bounded by this graph and the graphs of the equations x = 1, x = 3, and y = 0.
Then evaluate the integral


and find out whether we obtain more experimental verification of the cheerful
opinion of the preceding problem.
6 Figures 4.393 and 4.394 show graphs of y = sin x and y = cos x over the
interval 0 S x _< v. Observe that a* particular region of Figure 4.393 seems to


Figure 4.393





Figure 4.394

fill about two-thirds of the enclosing rectangle and hence that the region ought
to have area about 2ir/3. Then obtain the first of the formulas
or /2
fo sinx dx = 2,

cos x dx = 1,

cos x dx = -1

and give an interpretation of the result. Then obtain the second and third
formulas and interpret the results in terms of regions in Figure 4.394.
7 Prove that if u and v have continuous derivatives over the interval

v(x) u'(x) dx.

u(x)v'(x) dx = u(x)v(x) I.

Hint: Decide how the formula

f ab F(x) dx= F(x)]a

can be used. Remark: The formula to be proved is one of the most useful
formulas in the calculus; it is the formula for integration by parts.
8 Some of the most important applications of integrals involve inequalities,
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