270 Integrals
the set of points (x,y) for which a < x S b and fl(x) 5 y < f2(x), then
everything is quite simple and f(x) = f2(x) - fi(x). Our next step isto
suppose that the points (x,y) of R are points of a material body (much like
a sheet of paper or a sheet of copper) that has been compressed into a
plane in such a way that, for some positive constant S, a part of the com-
pressed material body has mass S AR if that part occupies a part of the
region R having area AR. The compressed body is called a lamina, and
it is a homogeneous lamina because the areal density (mass per unit area)
has the same constant value S at all places in the lamina.
Letting p be an integer which is either 0 or positive, we proceed to define
the number Mz'-')e, the pth moment of the lamina about the line having
the equation x = , by a formula from which it can be calculated. Fol-
lowing the method of Section 4.7, we make a partition P of the interval
a 5 x < b into subintervals. For each k, the lines having the equations
x = xk_1 and x = Xk have between them a part of the lamina that can be
called a strip parallel to the line having the equation x Supposing
as usual that xk-1 < xk* < xk, we use the number
(4.82) f (xk) LIxk
as an approximation to the area of the strip and accordingly use the
(4.821) Sf (xk) Lxk
as an approximation to the mass of the strip. When the norm of P is
small, all points of the strip lie at about the same distance Ixl* - El from
the line having the equation x = t, and multiplying the above mass by
(xx - )P should therefore give a good approximation to the pth moment
of the strip about the line having the equation x =. The Riemann sum
(4.822) SZ(xk - )pf(xk) .Xk
should then be a good approximation to the moment of the whole lamina.
Since the Riemann sums have a limit which is the Riemann integral in
the right member of the formula
(4.83) Mgt = S f ab (x - E)Pf(x) dx,
our work motivates the definition by which the required moment is
defined by this formula.
The number the pth moment of the lamina about the line
having the equation y = rl, is defined by the analogous formula
(4.831) M = 8Jd (y - 0)Pg(y) dy,
where c and d are numbers such that the lamina lies between the lines
having the equation y = c and y = d and g(y*) is the length of the inter-