376 Cones and conics
18 Study Figure 6.395 and discover the procedure by which the encircled
points are determined, and then use the procedure to obtain another encircled
Figure 6.395
point. Prove that the set of points obtained
by this procedure lie on an ellipse. Solution:
If the inner and outer circles have radiuses
(this time we use English; the Latin is radii)
a and b, and if a line is drawn through the
origin making the angle 0 with the positivex
axis, then the coordinates (x,y) of the resulting
encircled point are
(1) x=acos6, y=bsin0.
From these equations we obtain
a--b:= cost 0 + sine 8 = 1,
so the point (x,y) lies on an ellipse.
19 Let 0 < b < a and let w > 0. Let a particle move in a plane in such a
way that, at each time t, the vector running from the origin of an x, y coordinate
system to it is
r = (a cos wt)i + (b sin wt)j.
Show that its path is an ellipse. Show that it is always accelerated toward the
origin and that the magnitude of the acceleration is
w2 -%Ifb-2+ (a2 - b2) cos2 wt.
Hint: To get started, let x = a cos wt, y = b sin wt, and observe the result of
some dividing and squaring and adding.
20 A point P moves around an ellipse having foci
(1) a2 --b2, 0), F2(,-,442- b2, 0)
in such a way that the vector r running from the origin to P at time t is
(2) r = (a cos t)i + (b sin t)j.
Show that the vector
(3) v = -(a sin t)i + (b cos t)j
is a forward tangent to the ellipse at P. Show that
(4) FkP=(acost+A a2-b2)i+bsintj,
where A = 1 when k = 1 and A = -1 when k = 2, and then show that
(5) 17kP12 = a2 + 2aX a2 - b2 cos t + X2(a2 - b2) cos2 t
and hence
(6) fFkPI = a + A a2 --b*- cos t.