410 Curves, lengths, and curvatures
as we think of them asbeing traversed once in the positive (counter-
clockwise) or negative (clockwise)direction.
Supposing that C is a given curvefor which the interval appearing in
Definition 7.14 is a closed interval a < t < b, we proceed to define (when
it exists) a number ICI whichis called the length of C. Let P be a parti-
tion of the interval by partitionpoints to, t1j , tofor which
(7.15) a=to<tl<t2< <tn_1<tn=b.
For each k = 0, 1, 2, , n,let Pk be the point on C for which t = tk.
Figure 7.151
The number SP defined by
k-1 to P2 and so on to P. is said to be inscribed in C.
Pk polygon (or broken line) running from Po to P1
Figure 7.151 is a schematic figure that may be
helpful, but it is much too simple to show how
much care is needed to guarantee that the points
are not scrambled in an inappropriate way. The
is the sum of the lengths of the sides of the inscribed polygon. Let S
be the set of numbers Sp obtained by making partitions P of the interval
a <_ t <_ b. In case there is no number M such that Sp < M whenever
SP is in S, it is said that C does not have length or that C does not have
finite length or that C has infinite length or that Cl I= o o. In case there
is a number M such that SP < M whenever SP is in S, then Theorem 5.46
guarantees existence of a least number ICI such that Sp < ICI whenever
SP is in S. This number ICI is then, by definition, the length f of C.
For future reference we state without proof the following theorem which
involves notation we have been using.
Theorem 7.16 The curve C has finite length ICI if and only if
ICI = Jim I, IPk_1PkI.
IPI-'O k-1
We now use the definition of length to prove the following theorem
which gives, as a corollary, the desired result involving Figure 7.11.
Theorem 7.17 Let f be continuous and monotone increasing (or mono-
tone decreasing) over a < x <_ b. Let C be the graph of y = f(x) so oriented
t In old books particularly, a curve C having finite length is sometimes said to be recti-
fiable; the ancient idea is that if C is a string we could pull on the ends and straighten it out
to get a straight string of finite length. We can all know enough about logic to know that
if C is not a string, then little credence is placed upon consequences of the false assumption
that C is a string.