9.1 Exponentials and logarithms 481
physical theory of hydrogen, is neither so brief nor unimportant that it
is unworthy of several hours of study.
We start here with a given number a, the base of our exponential func-
tion ax, for which a > 1. We suppose that ax has been defined for rational
numbers x and that, if x and y are rational numbers for whichx = P/Q,
(9.11) axav = ax+l, (ax)/ = axv, ax = (aP)uQ = (a1'Q)P.
For the purpose of learning about mathematics in general and about
the exponential function ax in particular, we
make a direct frontal attack upon the problem
of learning more about ax when x is rational. I y
We then use this information as a basis for def- y=ax
inition and study of ax when x is real. Our xrational 0
first step is to calculate ax for several values of
x and to start making a graph of y = ax as in 0
Figure 9.12. We mark only the points whose 0
coordinates we have calculated and overcome
the primitive urge to draw a "smooth curve" e
through these points. We have experimental o
evidence that 0 < ax < ax+h when x and h are 0
rational and h > 0, and this matter should^0
be investigated. When x = P/Q, a1"Q is the -2 -1^012 x
positive number r for which rQ = a and Figure 9.12
ax = (a1"Q)P = rP > 0, so ax > 0. It turns out
that we can obtain a huge amount of information from the identity
(9.13) ax+h - ax = (a'' - 1)az.
For a modest beginning we suppose that h = p/q, where p and q are
positive integers, and show that ah > 1. When f(x) = x4, we see that
f(1) = 1 and that f(x) is continuous and increasing when x > 0. Since
a > 1, the one and only number x1 for which f(xi) = a must exceed 1.
Thus xl = a and a119 = x1, where x1 > 1, and hence ah = xi > 1. Thus,
when h > 0, the right member of (9.13) is the product of two positive
numbers and hence is positive. This implies the following theorem.
Theorem 9.14 If x and h are rational and h > 0, then
(9.141) 0 < ax < ax+h.
This means that, as a function of the "rational variable" x, the function
having values ax is positive and increasing. Proof of this fundamental
fact represents a triumph of mind over matter, but one triumph is not
enough and we must continue. Tables and slide rules and brute-force
calculations with pencils produce experimental evidence in support of the
following theorem.