12.6 Euler-Maclaurin summation formulas 649
that there are constants M and Dnx such that IDnxj 5 M and
(14) log Zn (k/ =log In - 2X2 + Dnx
This shows that if (10) and (11) hold, then
(15) eMln nae 2 ' <_2n\k)1 (nl< euln' 2 e 2as.
Suppose now that xi and x2 are two numbers, not necessarily positiNe, for %hich
rl < x2 and suppose that a has been chosen such that Jxj < a and Jx2j < a
(16) Pn(x1,x2) =
Since lira e -Min = I and lim eMln = 1, it follows from (15) that
n- -
lira P,(x,,xs) =lim
n-, n-,
. n
n- -
provided the limit on the right exists. In (17) and elsewhere, a star on a sigma
indicates that the range of summation is the same as that in (16). For present
purposes, let the number X in (6), (15), and (17) be denoted by X, , so that
Then )Ln.k - Xn.x_1 = 1//, and consequently
nIr G it
The right member of (18) is, except for negligible discrepancies at the ends of the
interval x, 5 x < X2, a Riemann sum which converges to the right member of
the formula
(19) lim* e-244- = r x: e2:=dz.
n-. m v na 7C
Therefore, (19) holds. From (19), (17), and (16) we obtain the formula
(20) I
J z, `
g:= dx.
2n(k 4'r
In order to compare this result with other statistical results, we replace x, and
x2 by w,/2 and w2/2 in (20). Changing the variable of integration by setting