Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

If a woman doesn’t provide the receptive interest, the fire
will not have a chance to burn. Practically speaking, this means
that when a woman is focused more on giving than receiving,
when she cares more about pleasing him than about what
would please her, a man will not become more interested in
This one pivotal insight is the opposite of what many woman
think. A woman mistakenly assumes that if she is eager to
please a man, he will be pleased and become more interested.
Yes, he will be pleased, but he will not necessarily become
more actively interested.
When a woman is actively interested in pursuing a man, it
is flattering to a man and it will probably generate in him some
receptive interest, but that is all. He will probably go with the
flow as long as it feels good to him, but rarely does he become
motivated to pursue her.
What makes a man more interested in a woman is when he
feels really good in her presence. Remember, men are from
Mars; they like feeling successful. When a man feels actively
interested, it tends to bring out the best in him. When a man
is actively engaged in achieving a goal, he feels best about
himself. The way a woman makes him feel good is by creating
opportunities for him to succeed in truly fulfilling her needs.

When a man really likes how he feels around
a woman, he begins to like her more.

A woman can begin to understand this by imagining for a
moment that she is a man. In one scenario, this man has worked
really hard, has helped a lot of people, and makes a lot of
money in the end. This money makes him very happy. In an-
other scenario, the man doesn’t work hard, he doesn’t

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