Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

responds in a pleased manner to his compliments, he feels he
is making progress in getting closer.


A man will feel complimented if a woman loves his car, his
stereo, or his favorite football team, but a woman feels compli-
mented when she feels personally noticed and adored. Personal
compliments are positive observations—things that a man
notices about her when he is looking at her and relating to her.
For a woman to begin having deeper feelings for a man, his
compliments need to become more personal. When he makes
three or more personal compliments in a conversation, it is a
clear sign that he is expressing and pursuing a personal attrac-

When he makes three or more personal
compliments in a conversation, it is a
clear sign that he is pursuing.

Women will appreciate any sincere compliment, but when
a man puts a little more thought into his words she will like it
more. When a man takes a few extra moments to consider the
right compliment for a woman, the compliment ripens. It
conveys more of his best self and will stimulate more of her
best self. The more special the adjective, the more special she
feels. These are some examples of simple compliments versus
more ripened compliments.


That is a nice picture. You are incredibly artistic.
You look good tonight. You look magnificent tonight.

206 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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