Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

sible and loving mother to your kids; you do such a good job
around here; and so on.


After giving a personal compliment, it is usually good to follow
it with a question. Ultimately a man can best get to know a
woman if he asks questions and she talks. The more he gets
her to talk and share, the more opportunity there is for her to
discover how much she is attracted to him. Asking a question
after making a compliment also helps a woman to open up to
receive the compliment. From this more receptive place, she
can begin to share herself by answering his question. These
are some examples:

“I really like your red hair. Do you get a lot of compliments
about it?”
“That’s a pretty necklace. Have you had it long?” or, “Where
did you get it?”
“I really like your accent. Where did you grow up?” or, “How
long have you lived here?”
“You sure look great tonight. Did you just get here?”
“I really like your smile. Did you have a good day?”
“You have such pretty eyes. Did you get them from your
mother or father?”
“I noticed you from across the room and wanted to meet
you. Where are you from?”

212 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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