Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

one of the best ways a man knows to sell himself and to show
he cares.

A man uses communication as a medium
to advertise his services.

A man does not instinctively understand what a turnoff it
is for him to dominate a conversation by talking about himself
on a date. To a woman it appears as if he cares only about
number one, himself. He doesn’t realize that instead of talking
about himself, she wants him to ask questions and be interested
in getting to know her. To her, the sign that he cares would be
his full interest in her; his taking time to ask questions, listen,
and respond attentively.

Instead of talking about himself,
a woman wants a man to ask questions and
be interested in getting to know her.

For a man, the first few dates are like a job interview. He is
selling the woman on the idea that he would be great for her.
He is showing her his stuff to win her over. No one has ever
explained to him that on Venus, the best thing he could do is
to get her to talk about herself, her feelings, her likes and dis-
likes, and her life.


On Mars, it would be offensive and foolish to go for a job inter-
view and begin interviewing the interviewer. Interviewers are
warned about overly aggressive job candidates who try to take
over and control an interview by asking a lot of questions about
the company.

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