Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

  1. It is Polite to Listen

On Venus it is rude to just interrupt. If a Venusian wants to
talk, she should first ask questions, show interest, and wait for
her turn. While this is fine on Venus, it is very different on
Mars. Martians expect and want you to join and participate.
They don’t mind a friendly interruption. It actually makes the
whole process much easier for them. Interrupting and joining
in will also make you more attractive to them.

  1. He Will Become More Interested in Her

If a woman politely listens and asks questions, she thinks
that after a while a man will just become more interested in
her, but in actuality he will probably become more interested
in himself. Most women already know that a man tends to do
one thing at a time, but still they don’t realize that if they con-
tinue to ask questions a man will do one thing, keep talking.
If the woman focuses on him, then he will focus on himself. If
she is concerned with pleasing him, then he will be concerned
with pleasing himself. If she is concerned with his needs, then
he will be more concerned with his needs. He will not even be
aware that she is feeling neglected. If she keeps asking ques-
tions, he will just assume she has nothing to say.
Certainly if she truly enjoys and appreciates what he is say-
ing, then that will make him more interested in her, but for
that interest to be lasting, he needs the opportunity to know
her. For him to become interested in her beyond the initial
physical attraction, she needs to open up and share herself. If
she just asks questions about him, then he will become more
interested in himself and not her.

222 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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