Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
When a man talks, he tends to become
more interested in what he is saying
than in the listener.

A woman makes the mistake of thinking a man will be more
interested in her if she asks him a lot of questions about himself,
because when a man asks a lot of questions to open a woman
up it makes her more interested in him. But this is not the case
for men. The more a man gets to know a woman, the more in-
terested he can become. When a man does all the talking, he
tends to become more interested in what he is saying than in
his date.

  1. It Feels Better If He Asks

It just doesn’t feel very romantic if a woman has to compete
to get a word into a conversation. Even though men may have
a hard time understanding this feminine experience, it is very
A woman feels more special if a man shows his interest by
being eager to ask questions. If she has to interrupt to be heard,
then it feels as though she is not as special. No matter how
much she learns about Martians and where they are coming
from, a woman feels that if a man is truly interested, then he
will ask her questions. When he asks questions, it reassures
her that she is special and worthy of love. It is evidence that
this man cares about her. It just isn’t as romantic if she has to
In a perfect world, a man has read this book fifty times and
remembers to ask a woman questions, but we don’t live in a
perfect world. Until that day it is wise for a woman to

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