Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

calling. Thank you for being so much fun; I really enjoyed the
time we spent together.”
This approach should be used only if it is true and if you
have dated a woman more than three times. And even then,
it should not be used the day after a date. It might be shocking
for her to hear that you decided to get involved with another
woman after spending time with her. Although this happens
a lot, it seems too quick to her and may make her feel that you
really didn’t care about her.
Even if after a date a man has decided to see someone else,
he should at least give himself a few days to decide for sure.
In the meantime, he should give her a call after the date and
just let her know he had a good time. Then, after waiting a few
days or a week, he should call and let her know he has decided
to get involved with someone else.
When you decide to get involved with someone else, never
say why. It is hurtful to describe why another person is more
desirable to you. It is enough to say you decided. If she wants
to know why, simply let her know it is just a feeling in your
heart that says you are not the right guy for her.
Don’t say how great the other woman is with statements
like, “Oh, she’s perfect for me; she is so beautiful,” or “She is
so wonderful.” Nor is it polite to compare by saying things
like, “She has more time for me,” or “She doesn’t experience
big mood swings.” This kind of brutal honesty is hurtful and
not easily forgotten. Even if she says she really wants to know,
it is still not appropriate and is uncalled for.

  1. Not Ready

“Thank you for a wonderful date. I realized I am still dealing
with a past relationship, and I don’t think I am ready to

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