Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


When a man takes longer than a woman would expect to call
back, a woman is generally upset for two reasons. The first
reason is that she doesn’t instinctively understand that he is
from Mars and that he doesn’t understand Venusian manners.
The second reason she is upset is that she has waited days for
his call, feeling powerless. She wants to call but she doesn’t.
Everyone tells her she shouldn’t call, and instinctively there
is a part of her that doesn’t want to call, but another part wants
to call. In a perfect world, it would feel better to her if he called
her. When he calls, it makes her feel special. If she has to call
and ask questions to be reassured, no matter what he says, it
is still not as nice as if he were to call on his own.
But all is not so hopeless. With an understanding of men,
there are other options. To make the time pass more quickly
she has two options, and both are good suggestions.

Option One: Fill Up Your Time

The first option is fill your life up with activities and relation-
ships so that you are not just waiting by the phone. There is
no greater mistake than to stop your life for a man. A man is
most interested and attracted to a woman whose life is full,
but who happily makes some room for him. He is less attracted
if she needs him to fill up her life and schedule. He is most at-
tracted when she needs him to share the fullness of her life.
To a certain extent, a woman should think of romantic rela-
tionships as a special dessert and let other relationships with
friends and family be the main meal to fill her up. When she
finds herself anxiously waiting for a man’s call, it is a

256 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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