Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

emotional bond of affection is feeling that he can be successful
in making you happy.

A man forms an emotional bond of affection
as he succeeds in making a woman happy.

A woman is generally unaware of this Martian sensitivity.
If the movie isn’t any good, she may feel, “Well, all is not lost;
at least we can talk about how bad it was.” Regardless of
whether the movie is good or bad, she looks forward to talking
about it.
Venusians experience the bond of affection growing as they
feel heard and understood. After a lousy experience on a date,
a women will actually look forward to talking about it in great
detail. She generally has little awareness of how it makes him

  1. Don’t Give Advice on Anything, but Instead Ask for

Even if a woman thinks a man would greatly benefit from
her advice on a particular matter, she must be very careful not
to offer any unsolicited advice. Even if he asks, she should still
be careful. Men like to feel that they can offer a woman some
expertise. Men need to feel that they have something to offer.
When a woman brings more to him than he feels he can bring
to her, it has the same effect as when a woman pursues a man.
Men also don’t like it when a woman quotes another expert.
This is another way women give advice. They quote other
people or experts to make their point. This can be an immediate
turnoff. It is fine if the man is asking for advice, but for a wo-
man to quote someone when he is not asking is even worse
than if she were to offer direct advice.

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