Ironically, for men it is the opposite. When a man feels he
is responsible for himself, then he feels good about himself.
When he feels he can provide for another, he feels even better
about himself. The more others need him, the better he feels.
Men like to feel they are being helpful and of service. In a
sense, men like to be used. As long as a man feels fairly rewar-
ded, he is most fulfilled when he is being used. When a man
is responsible and giving and is appreciated and rewarded, he
is happiest. Women, on the other hand, become depressed
when they are used too much.
As long as a man feels fairly rewarded,
he likes being used.
The major cause of depression in men is feeling not needed.
A man out of work or with nothing to do becomes increasingly
depressed. A man becomes depressed when he experiences
that what he has to offer is not needed. This is why appreciation
is so important to men. When a man feels needed, then his
confidence and sense of purpose increase. Automatically he
feels more responsible.
When a man feels needed, it can bring out the best in him.
A woman doesn’t instinctively understand how important this
is to a man. Certainly a woman wants to feel appreciated, but
what she doesn’t understand is that men don’t feel needed
unless they are appreciated for what they do. Without appre-
ciation, a man loses touch with his purposefulness.
When a man doesn’t feel that he can successfully provide
for himself or another, he will become depressed. With insight
into the source of a man’s depression, it is easier to understand
why a man needs a woman. Here is a list of some of a man’s