tiveness, and responsiveness—she gains the ability to need a
man without becoming needy.
By being self-assured instead of demanding more from a man,
a woman gives the message that she trusts that she will even-
tually get her needs met. This openness makes a man much
more interested. When a woman is receptive to what he is of-
fering, a man gets the message that he may be accepted and
not rejected. By being responsive to his attempts to please her,
a woman allows a man to feel appreciated. He gets the message
that he could be even more successful. These three attributes
ensure that she is not giving the wrong message about her
When a woman expresses the best of her feminine side by
being self-assured, receptive, and responsive, it brings out the
best of a man’s masculine side. The more a man senses that a
woman needs what he has to offer, the more interested he be-
comes. Quite automatically he feels more confident, purposeful,
and responsible.
He is confident because her self-assurance sends a message
that there is a job opening. He is purposeful because her recept-
ive smile sends the message that he could get the job to make
her happy. She has a need and he has the solution. Her respons-
iveness encourages him to feel he could be successful in ful-
filling her needs. This encouragement makes him feel more
responsible to fulfill her needs.
When a woman denies feeling her needs for a man, she sabot-
ages the dating process. Her sincere attempts to find a last-
318 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.