Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

again. He had called just to catch up. In their phone conversa-
tion, after hearing her voice, he realized that he had made a
mistake in leaving her. He told her, “It is so great to talk with
you after all these years. I am feeling so much love in my heart
for you. It’s as though the angels in heaven are singing.”
With one phone call he realized that he was ready to have
a committed relationship with her. He was ready to move into
stage three because he had grown to the place where he knew
what he wanted and immediately felt chemistry on all levels:
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. He wanted to give
their relationship a chance. He had matured so much in his
last relationship that he immediately knew she was the one
for him.
Tricia told him that her weekend was reserved for God. In-
stead of taking that as a no, Tommy got excited and said,
“That’s it; that’s why I must have called. I am the answer to
your prayers.” They both laughed. Tommy was so insistent
on coming that Tricia finally agreed. He drove six hours to be
with her. He even got a speeding ticket.
They stayed up all night talking. After one month they be-
came engaged, and within six months they were married.
Tommy and Tricia had loved each other before, but it just
hadn’t been the right time. With the wisdom that only experi-
ence can provide, they now realized they were soul mates.

Maturity Means Greater Wisdom

As we become more mature, we gain greater wisdom and
self-control. If we have negative addictive habits, eventually
we feel motivated to clean up our life. We start reaching out
to get support from others who are also putting their lives in
By attending various support groups, you have an oppor-

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