Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

  1. In a restaurant, a woman should get up several times and
    walk to the rest room so that a man has a chance to see her
    and be interested. He should take the risk and get up to meet
    her if he is interested. He can simply give her a card if he is

  2. Make eye contact with the person you are interested in. A
    woman can look away, talk to a friend, ask her to look, then
    talk a little bit, look back, and smile. This gives a man a clear
    message that she is interested.

  3. Go to places where you like the way you look. If you like
    wearing a bathing suit, then go to the beach. If you don’t,
    don’t bother. Go where you feel most beautiful or handsome.

  4. Wear a uniform occasionally, even when you are off duty.
    It makes you more accessible to others. They feel they can
    ask you a question or ask for your help in some manner.

  5. Create opportunities to meet apart from the group you are
    with. It can be very intimidating for a man to approach a
    woman in a group of six women. If he is rejected, he knows
    all six will be discussing him.

  6. At a party, when a woman continues to move around, a
    man has an easier time approaching her. Avoid getting stuck
    on the couch.

  7. People are always most comfortable talking and meeting
    in kitchens. Hang out where the food is.

342 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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