Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

attraction and give it a chance to grow as we get to know


To sustain attraction in stage one, we must express our best
and most positive self. Without an understanding of the cus-
toms and manners on Venus, a man can put his best foot for-
ward and unknowingly turn a date off. Most men just don’t
understand the way women feel and what they are looking
for. When a man is interested in a woman, quite automatically
he treats her the way he would want to be treated. In many
cases, that is not what a woman will appreciate. While trying
to impress her he inadvertently turns her off. To various de-
grees, most men are simply clueless when it comes to under-
standing women.

Without an understanding of the customs and
manners on Venus, a man can put his best foot
forward and unknowingly turn a date off.

For example, instead of taking the time to listen and get to
know his date, a man talks about himself or his theories about
life. He thinks this will impress her, and because she keeps
asking questions, he thinks this is what she wants. When she
does get a chance to talk, he mistakenly assumes she is asking
for his advice and begins offering solutions to her problems
or answers to her questions. Without even knowing why or
how, he begins to turn her off.
Larry brought Phoebe to a restaurant for their first official
date. I happened to be sitting next to them at another table. I
observed that throughout the whole dinner Larry did all the
talking. He spoke like a professor to his class. Phoebe always

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